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Types of transporation include cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, boats, ships, helicopters, and airplanes. People who do not have a car walk or take the bus. Traveling to other planets in spaceships will become more common in the future. (3 pages)

Red Corvette Car

What kind of car is this?

  • It is a sports car.
  • Sports cars only have room for two people.


What kind of vehicle is this?

  • It is a motorcycle.
  • Motorcycle drivers wear helmets to protect their heads.


What kind of bus is this?

  • It is a tour bus.
  • Tour buses take people sightseeing.

Semi Truck

How many wheels does this truck have?

  • It has 18 wheels.


What is the difference between a boat and a ship?

  • A ship is much larger than a boat.
  • This is a cruise ship.
  • People take vacations on a cruise ship.


Is this a helicopter?

  • Yes, it is.
  • Helicopters fly in the sky.
  • The blades on top of helicopters rotate quickly.


What kind of plane is this?

  • It is a passenger plane.
  • Passenger planes carry people.

Spaceship or Rocket

What is this?

  • It is a spaceship.
  • Spaceships are also called rockets.
  • Spaceships travel to other planets.