| ]

The data in this document has been gathered from a variety of sources:

If you have any suggestions or additions to this list please contact him at lf@elemental.net.

[no] ip spd queue {min-threshold | max-threshold} (IOS) show banff-reset (XID/CatOS, Catalyst 5000 series with NFFC)
[no] spd enable (IOS) show caller (IOS)
aaa accounting delay-start (IOS) show chunk [summary] (IOS)
aaa authorization console (IOS (>= 12.1(10.6))) show controller switch (Cat 2900XL/3500XL, IOS)
aaa pod server [port ] [auth-type {any | all | session-key}] server-key (IOS (>= 11.3(7)AA)) show epc ... (IOS)
ais-enable (IOS) show epc acl lookup {in|out} ... (IOS (Cat 2948G-L3, 4908G-L3, 8540))
arap logging debug-extensions (IOS) show epc acl tcam2acl interface {in|out} (IOS (Cat 2948G-L3, 4908G-L3, 8540))
bgp common-administration (IOS) show epc ip-address interface all-entries (IOS (Cat 2948G-L3))
bgp maxas-limit <1 - 2000> (IOS) show epc patricia ipucast detail (IOS)
bgp redistribute-internal (IOS) show epc patricia mac (IOS (Cat 2948G-L3, 4908G-L3))
bridge-group subscriber-loop-control (IOS) show idb (IOS)
clear ip eigrp [] events (IOS) show inband (XID/CatOS)
clear ip eigrp [] logging (IOS) show interface cable /0 privacy statistic (IOS)
clock source free-running|line primary (IOS) show interfaces [] stats (IOS)
csim (IOS) show interfaces [] switching (IOS)
debug buffer (IOS) show ip cef [ []] internal (IOS)
debug crypto isakmp detail (IOS) show ip eigrp events [] [] [] (IOS)
debug crypto isakmp packet (IOS) show ip eigrp sia-event (IOS)
debug dialer detailed (IOS) show ip eigrp timers [] (IOS)
debug dialer holdq (IOS) show ip ospf bad-checksum (IOS)
debug ip ospf monitor (IOS) show ip ospf delete-list (IOS)
debug ip packet [detail] [] dump (IOS) show ip ospf events (IOS)
debug isdn q931 l3 (IOS) show ip ospf maxage-list (IOS)
debug mica {tx|rx} / (IOS) show ip ospf statistic (IOS)
debug modem csm (IOS) show ip route hash (IOS)
debug oir (IOS) show ip route profile (IOS)
debug parser mode (IOS) show ip spd (IOS)
debug sanity (IOS) show isdn memory detail (IOS)
dialer disable-multiencaps (IOS) show isdn service [ | ] detail (IOS)
dialer mult-map-same-name (IOS) show isdn status detail (IOS)
eigrp event-log-site (IOS) show isis private (IOS)
eigrp event-logging (IOS) show isis timers (IOS)
eigrp kill-everyone (IOS) show isis tree (IOS)
eigrp log-event-type [dual] [xmit] [transport] (IOS) show list [none] (IOS)
enable engineer (XDI/CatOS) show mbuf (XID/CatOS)
frame-relay fecn-create (IOS) show memory big (IOS)
gdb {kernel | pid | {examine | debug} } (IOS) show mls nfde (XID/CatOS)
h323 h245 tunnel defer (IOS) show mls status (Cat 6000 Native IOS)
if-console [console|debug] (7000/7500 Series, IOS) show mmc np5400 [config|flows|get|indications|ports|queue|registers|stat|send] [...] (IOS (Cat 2948G-L3, 4908G-L3))
ip cache-ager (IOS (>=10.3(8) and >=11.0(3))) show mpls interfaces internal all (IOS)
ip cache-invalidate-delay (IOS (>=10.3(8) and >=11.0(3))) show msfc (IOS (Cat 6k hybrid))
ip ospf interface-retry (IOS) show msfc (CatOS (Cat 6k hybrid))
ip route profile (IOS) show msfc nvram (IOS (Cat 6k hybrid))
ipc-console (Catalyst 6000/6500 Series, IOS) show parser modes (IOS)
ipx sap-interval {|passive} (IOS (>=11.2)) show parser unresolved (IOS)
ipx server-split-horizon-on-server-paths (IOS) show polaris fibmgr usage (CatOS (Cat 6k hybrid))
ipx update interval {rip | sap} passive (IOS (>=11.3(1.3))) show region (IOS)
isdn incoming progress [validate|accept] (IOS (>= 12.1(3.3)T)) show region address
modem-mgmt csm debug rbs (IOS) show slip (IOS)
mpls traffic-eng multicast-intact (IOS) show snmp chassis (IOS)
multilink queuing bypass-fifo (IOS) show snmp community (IOS)
neighbor don't-capability-negotiate (IOS) show snmp host (IOS)
no logging snmp-authfail (IOS) show snmp location (IOS)
no ppp microcode (IOS) show snmp mib (IOS)
no snmp-server sparse-tables (IOS) show snmp newcom (IOS)
ppp dnis [ ...] (IOS) show snmp notify (IOS)
ppp ipcp accept-address (IOS) show sum (IOS)
ppp ipcp dns|wins {accept | a.b.c.d [e.f.g.h] [accept]} (IOS) show sum (IOS)
ppp ipcp ignore-map (IOS) show tcam ... (Cat 6000 Native IOS)
ppp ipcp unique-address (IOS) snmp-server priority {low | normal | high} (IOS)
ppp max-configure (IOS) spd headroom (IOS)
priv () tcam priority high|low|medium (Cat 6000 Native IOS)
ps -c (XDI/CatOS) test aaa group radius (IOS)
radius send service-type call-check (IOS (>= 12.1(4)T)) test aim eeprom slot (IOS)
radius-server authorization default Framed-Protocol ppp (IOS) test crash (IOS)
radius-server authorization permit missing Service-Type (IOS) test mbus power on|off (GSR IOS)
radius-server unique-ident (IOS) test ppp echotimeout (IOS)
service download-fl (GSR IOS) test transmit (IOS)
service internal (IOS) tracy_close (XID/CatOS with WS-X6608-T1 or WS-X6608-E1)
service log backtrace (IOS) tracy_start (XID/CatOS with WS-X6608-T1 or WS-X6608-E1)
service unsupported-transceiver (IOS) traffic-shape fecn-create (IOS)
service-policy classify-per-feature (IOS) ttcp (Cisco 7200/7500, IOS)
set trace (XID/CatOS) tx-queue-limit (IOS)
set trace monitor {enable|disable} (XID/CatOS) virtual-template pre-clone (IOS)
show acl stats (XID/CatOS) vpdn ip udp ignore checksum (IOS)
show alignment (IOS) vpdn {l2f|l2tp} session table-size (IOS)