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A debian 5.0.6 Qemu image to use with GNS3. If anyone is interested, you can grab it from the link at the bottom of this post.
You can read some more info for this image below.
It run it with 64MB of RAM and it works without problems! If you use htop you will see that only 15MB of RAM is in use when it comes up.

Debian Standard Installation for use in GNS3

image: debian-506-i386-qemu-gns3.img
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 4.0G (4294967296 bytes)
disk size: 805M
cluster_size: 65536

86f07d0790e82f3aaa967d099933650e debian-506-i386-qemu-gns3.img

0793cecae3a1f4c80c6924d97e88d798e6d57079 debian-506-i386-qemu-gns3.img

Login information
Username: qemu
Password: qemu

Username: root
Password: qemu

Installed extra packages and optimizations:
- vim ("syntax on" and "set number" has been set in /etc/vim/vimrc)
- bash-completion (and enabled for root by default under /root/.bashrc)
- mtr-tiny
- apache2
- lynx
- quagga
- ssh server
- htop

* Using ls --color=auto and PS1='\u@$(hostname):\w\$ ' for root (changed in file /root/.bashrc)
* Configured /etc/inittab to spawn a tty in the serial port ttyS0. This makes possible the use of Console in GNS3.
* Removed /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules to avoid ethernet interfaces misnaming when the mac is changing.
* Use "ifconfig -a" to see all of the added interfaces as only eth0 will be up by default.

http://uploading.com/files/f6bcm58m/deb ... g.tar.bz2/