Router - PRI MGCP Voice Gateway
This configuration snippet shows how to setup a voice gateway using MGCP with a PRI circuit from the telco. Remember that for
MGCP PRI circuits, the signaling channel is backhauled to callmanager.
# This configuration was taken from an ISR 2821 running 12.3(14)T2 Adv IP Svs It is always a good idea to check with TAC
# to see what they recommend as the latest stable version of code for this application.
# I always like debug and log informatio to show the actual date and time and it is also good security practice to make sure
# password-encryption is turned on
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname Voice-GW-Rtr
# We need tp specify which wic or vwic cards will participate in the clocking domain as well as select a preference order
# for where we will pull the router's clock source from. In this case there is only one circuit so we set wic slot 0 to participate
# and then select it with a priority of 1 stating that this is our primary clock source.
network-clock-participate wic 0
network-clock-select 1 T1 0/0/0
no aaa new-model
ip subnet-zero
ip cef
no ip domain lookup
ip domain name
# The circuit provider will have to provide you with the correct ISDN switch-type that they are using and here we set
# it as primary-ni which is pretty common in my area.
isdn switch-type primary-ni
# The next statement is basically stating that we will not be using DSP resources for conferencing, transcoding or
# as an MTP.
voice-card 0
no dspfarm
# The following command allows the voice path to be established in both directions when the RTP channel is opened
voice rtp send-recv
# The following statements are needed to ensure that fax pass-through and modem pass-through are sent with the
# G.711 codec.
voice service voip
fax protocol pass-through g711ulaw
modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw
# The following lines control how this router communicates with CallManager using MGCP . The simple arguement
# of MGCP enables the router to communicate via MGCP to CallManager. The fallback-mgcp statement allows the router
# to establish an mgcp session with a redundant CallManager in order to take over processing if the primary CallManager
# fails. Use the redundant-host command to define the backup CallManager. By default the fax protocol is set to cisco
# so we want to turn that off in order to allow fax pass-through to occur. We need to specify music-on-hold in order to
# allow multicast MOH on the MGCP gateway. The config server ip address statement defines the IP address of the
# CallManager TFTP server from which this MGCP gateway will tftp its MGCP configuration from. Finally we need to
# specify config, in order to actually enable the MGCP configuration downloads from CallManager.
ccm-manager fallback-mgcp
ccm-manager mgcp
ccm-manager redundant-host
no ccm-manager fax protocol cisco
ccm-manager music-on-hold
ccm-manager config server
ccm-manager config
# The router has a vwic-1mft card that will be used to terminat the PRI voice circuit from the provider.
# Default framing and linecoding has been defined per carrier specs.
# We then create a pri-group with all 24 channels and need to specify the that it is using the service of mgcp
# This command will then create the serial0/0/0:23 interface which we will see further down in the config.
controller T1 0/0/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-24 service mgcp
# This router has 2 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. We used the first one for Data and the second one
# for voice. Note there is a dhcp server on the data segment therefore we need to provide the helper-address
# on the voice side so the dhcp broadcast can be forwarded to the dhcp server.
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
description Data Vlan
ip address
duplex full
speed 1000
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
description Voice Vlan
ip address
ip helper-address
# Here is the interface that was created when we defined the pri-group. This is where the voice calls go
# in and out. We specify the isdn switch-type per the carrier specifications. We need the
# isdn incoming-voice voice statement to ensure that the calls will be handled as voice as passed off to
# a DSP (Digital Signal Processor). In order to configure the PRI signalling channel to be backhauled to
# CallManager we need to add the bind-l3 ccm-manager statement. This is needed for MGCP
# PRI voice gateways.
interface Serial0/0/0:23
no ip address
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager
ip classless
ip route
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http timeout-policy idle 600 life 86400 requests 10000
# Prior to 12.3(14)Tx, not sure which specific one, this was needed to make sure that calls were not rejected when the dial
# peer did not have valid voice application. In this case it lets us roll back to a pre-loaded application called DEFAULT which
# handles basic call processing on the port. Although I am not 100% sure of this I believe this is needed in order to be
# able to roll back to h.323 call processing if there is an MGCP outage, i.e. can't connect to callmanager and you need
# SRST to kick using h.323 dial peers.
call application alternate DEFAULT
# Set up a local username for administrative access
username admin privilege 15 secret ciscoconfigs
# This is voice port that was dynamically created when we created the PRI-GROUP on the controller interface.
voice-port 0/0/0:23
# Finally all of the MGCP statements.
# First we turn mgcp on then we define who the call agent is. i.e. in most cases callmanager. The version type is just
# reference to different RFC versions for compatibility. Port 2427 is the default port for version 0.1.
# dtmf-relay is turned on to ensure forwarding of the digits through the compressed codecs.
# Default modem passthrough command
# The packages define what capabilities the mgcp gateway will support. This is the default set we typically use and
# works in most cases. The mgcp fax t38 is disabled by default. This is no longer true in IOS 12.4T or later.
# The sdp mode is set to simple.
# The rtp payload type is used to ensure backward compatibility if talking with an older gateway.
# The bind commands force the media and control packets to be sourced with the ip address on the
# associated gateway. You want to make this the IP address of the interface on the voice network. This way
# you know what it is.
mgcp call-agent 2427 service-type mgcp version 0.1
mgcp dtmf-relay voip codec all mode out-of-band
mgcp rtp unreachable timeout 1000 action notify
mgcp modem passthrough voip mode nse
mgcp package-capability rtp-package
no mgcp package-capability res-package
mgcp package-capability sst-package
no mgcp package-capability fxr-package
mgcp package-capability pre-package
no mgcp timer receive-rtcp
mgcp sdp simple
mgcp fax t38 inhibit
mgcp rtp payload-type g726r16 static
mgcp bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
mgcp bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
mgcp profile default
# In this scenario, only one dial peer is needed. The key statement here is application mgcpapp, which
# tells the dial peer that it is controlled by MGCP. The incomin called-number . command will ensure that
# all incoming calls will match this dial peer. We disabled the fax rate since we are using fax pass-through.
# Since we had DID service we need to specifiy the direct-inward-dial command so the router will use the
# called number to match the destination pattern for the call. Finally we assign the PRI data channel as
# the port for this dial-peer.
dial-peer voice 1 pots
application mgcpapp
incoming called-number .
fax rate disable
port 0/0/0:23
# Configured the console and the virtual terminal ports to accept a loing by authenticating against
# the local user database.
line con 0
login local
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
privilege level 15
login local
transport input telnet ssh
# It is always good to have a time server configured so all of your network devices will have the correct
# time. This is important when trying to correlate events between devices and logs.
ntp server
Refer to
# to see what they recommend as the latest stable version of code for this application.
# I always like debug and log informatio to show the actual date and time and it is also good security practice to make sure
# password-encryption is turned on
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname Voice-GW-Rtr
# We need tp specify which wic or vwic cards will participate in the clocking domain as well as select a preference order
# for where we will pull the router's clock source from. In this case there is only one circuit so we set wic slot 0 to participate
# and then select it with a priority of 1 stating that this is our primary clock source.
network-clock-participate wic 0
network-clock-select 1 T1 0/0/0
no aaa new-model
ip subnet-zero
ip cef
no ip domain lookup
ip domain name
# The circuit provider will have to provide you with the correct ISDN switch-type that they are using and here we set
# it as primary-ni which is pretty common in my area.
isdn switch-type primary-ni
# The next statement is basically stating that we will not be using DSP resources for conferencing, transcoding or
# as an MTP.
voice-card 0
no dspfarm
# The following command allows the voice path to be established in both directions when the RTP channel is opened
voice rtp send-recv
# The following statements are needed to ensure that fax pass-through and modem pass-through are sent with the
# G.711 codec.
voice service voip
fax protocol pass-through g711ulaw
modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw
# The following lines control how this router communicates with CallManager using MGCP . The simple arguement
# of MGCP enables the router to communicate via MGCP to CallManager. The fallback-mgcp statement allows the router
# to establish an mgcp session with a redundant CallManager in order to take over processing if the primary CallManager
# fails. Use the redundant-host command to define the backup CallManager. By default the fax protocol is set to cisco
# so we want to turn that off in order to allow fax pass-through to occur. We need to specify music-on-hold in order to
# allow multicast MOH on the MGCP gateway. The config server ip address statement defines the IP address of the
# CallManager TFTP server from which this MGCP gateway will tftp its MGCP configuration from. Finally we need to
# specify config, in order to actually enable the MGCP configuration downloads from CallManager.
ccm-manager fallback-mgcp
ccm-manager mgcp
ccm-manager redundant-host
no ccm-manager fax protocol cisco
ccm-manager music-on-hold
ccm-manager config server
ccm-manager config
# The router has a vwic-1mft card that will be used to terminat the PRI voice circuit from the provider.
# Default framing and linecoding has been defined per carrier specs.
# We then create a pri-group with all 24 channels and need to specify the that it is using the service of mgcp
# This command will then create the serial0/0/0:23 interface which we will see further down in the config.
controller T1 0/0/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-24 service mgcp
# This router has 2 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. We used the first one for Data and the second one
# for voice. Note there is a dhcp server on the data segment therefore we need to provide the helper-address
# on the voice side so the dhcp broadcast can be forwarded to the dhcp server.
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
description Data Vlan
ip address
duplex full
speed 1000
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
description Voice Vlan
ip address
ip helper-address
# Here is the interface that was created when we defined the pri-group. This is where the voice calls go
# in and out. We specify the isdn switch-type per the carrier specifications. We need the
# isdn incoming-voice voice statement to ensure that the calls will be handled as voice as passed off to
# a DSP (Digital Signal Processor). In order to configure the PRI signalling channel to be backhauled to
# CallManager we need to add the bind-l3 ccm-manager statement. This is needed for MGCP
# PRI voice gateways.
interface Serial0/0/0:23
no ip address
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager
ip classless
ip route
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http timeout-policy idle 600 life 86400 requests 10000
# Prior to 12.3(14)Tx, not sure which specific one, this was needed to make sure that calls were not rejected when the dial
# peer did not have valid voice application. In this case it lets us roll back to a pre-loaded application called DEFAULT which
# handles basic call processing on the port. Although I am not 100% sure of this I believe this is needed in order to be
# able to roll back to h.323 call processing if there is an MGCP outage, i.e. can't connect to callmanager and you need
# SRST to kick using h.323 dial peers.
call application alternate DEFAULT
# Set up a local username for administrative access
username admin privilege 15 secret ciscoconfigs
# This is voice port that was dynamically created when we created the PRI-GROUP on the controller interface.
voice-port 0/0/0:23
# Finally all of the MGCP statements.
# First we turn mgcp on then we define who the call agent is. i.e. in most cases callmanager. The version type is just
# reference to different RFC versions for compatibility. Port 2427 is the default port for version 0.1.
# dtmf-relay is turned on to ensure forwarding of the digits through the compressed codecs.
# Default modem passthrough command
# The packages define what capabilities the mgcp gateway will support. This is the default set we typically use and
# works in most cases. The mgcp fax t38 is disabled by default. This is no longer true in IOS 12.4T or later.
# The sdp mode is set to simple.
# The rtp payload type is used to ensure backward compatibility if talking with an older gateway.
# The bind commands force the media and control packets to be sourced with the ip address on the
# associated gateway. You want to make this the IP address of the interface on the voice network. This way
# you know what it is.
mgcp call-agent 2427 service-type mgcp version 0.1
mgcp dtmf-relay voip codec all mode out-of-band
mgcp rtp unreachable timeout 1000 action notify
mgcp modem passthrough voip mode nse
mgcp package-capability rtp-package
no mgcp package-capability res-package
mgcp package-capability sst-package
no mgcp package-capability fxr-package
mgcp package-capability pre-package
no mgcp timer receive-rtcp
mgcp sdp simple
mgcp fax t38 inhibit
mgcp rtp payload-type g726r16 static
mgcp bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
mgcp bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
mgcp profile default
# In this scenario, only one dial peer is needed. The key statement here is application mgcpapp, which
# tells the dial peer that it is controlled by MGCP. The incomin called-number . command will ensure that
# all incoming calls will match this dial peer. We disabled the fax rate since we are using fax pass-through.
# Since we had DID service we need to specifiy the direct-inward-dial command so the router will use the
# called number to match the destination pattern for the call. Finally we assign the PRI data channel as
# the port for this dial-peer.
dial-peer voice 1 pots
application mgcpapp
incoming called-number .
fax rate disable
port 0/0/0:23
# Configured the console and the virtual terminal ports to accept a loing by authenticating against
# the local user database.
line con 0
login local
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
privilege level 15
login local
transport input telnet ssh
# It is always good to have a time server configured so all of your network devices will have the correct
# time. This is important when trying to correlate events between devices and logs.
ntp server
Refer to