If an ICMP ping to service provider goes down, users should use another gateway automatically:
1.Configuring an IP SLA to monitor our ICMPecho to service provider
2.Configuring HSRP between R1 and R2 (R1 is connected to first Link to an ISP, and R2 is connected to second link)
3.Creating reaction to SLA failure.
let's start with R1 Configuration:
STEP1 - Configuring IP SLA
R1#sh run | sec sla
ip sla monitor 1
type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho
request-data-size 1250
timeout 2000
frequency 1000
ip sla monitor schedule 1 start-time now recurring
STEP2 - Configuring HSRP
interface FastEthernet0/0.10
encapsulation dot1Q 10
ip address
standby preempt
standby 10 ip
STEP3 - Configuring Track
track 1 rtr 1
interface FastEthernet0/0.10
standby 10 track 1 decrement 50
on R2 we only need to configure HSRP and preempt feature.
[2/04/2012 11:31:00 AM