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Many of you seeking to take and pass the TSHOOT exam may already be aware that the topology for the exam is posted right on Cisco's site, but I just learned about it so I have to share!

Right on Cisco's site on the TSHOOT (642-832) Practical Exam Demo & Tutorial page is a link to the TSHOOT Exam Topology.

If you are planning on taking this exam and currently studying it, be sure to get more familiar with the topology before making your first attempt. Already being familiar with the network before having to troubleshoot it is definitely going to save you some time.

Also posted on that same page is a helpful pdf that shows you what the exam environment looks like. It would behoove you to review that document prior to taking the exam as well.

If you are looking for a place to start with studying for the TSHOOT exam, here are a couple book recommendations:

The foundation learning guide for more background info

and the Official Certification Guide when you are ready to tackle the test: